Finger lengths, lesbianism, mating primates, and the library
However, in Psychology Today, there were two articles which caught my eye, in addition to the usual articles on why cohabiting leads to weaker marriages. The first of these discussed male and female finger patterns. Supposedly, most males have ring fingers longer than their index fingers, while most females have ring and index fingers of equal length, or slightly longer index fingers. This is supposed to be a result of exposure to testosterone during fetal deveopment - the more testosterone you get, the longer your ring finger is relative to your index finger.
Naturally, at this point I looked at my own hands, and was shocked to find that my own ring fingers are considerably longer than my index fingers. So, I have man hands, just like that chick on Seinfeld. What could this mean? Apparently, females with longer ring fingers tend to exhibit more "male" types of behaviors (assertiveness, aggressiveness), and also tend to be gay.
I'll leave you with that thought while I discuss the next article, which was titled something like "Females may be more easily aroused than you think!" This article described the usual type of experiment: "let's hook people's genitals up to blood flow monitoring equipment and show them different porn flicks". They showed them hetero, homo, and Discovery-channel style porn (mating non-human primates), and found that the men were mostly only aroused by the hetero porn, whereas women were aroused by all three types, although they reported only being aroused by the hetero porn. Odd.
*For those of you who are curious, and I know you are, there are three theories discussed in the article, along with relevant pictures: the butt implant theory (deemed not likely), the personal trainer/workout/diet theory (deemed somewhat likely), and the padded panties theory (deemed most likely - and what I myself would have done in her case).
I don't think I am aroused by monkey porn, but perhaps I am wrong. I need one of those blood flow measuring thingies so I can run my own experiments...
Jesse, I have no idea what that says about your sexual preferences. Perhaps more study is needed.
While my fingers sync up, my sexual preferences do not. 4/5 isn't bad though
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