Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Egg bombs, more delivery room stories, and fireworks

Another excellent weekend. Saw War of the Worlds and Batman returns, shot off fireworks, made deviled eggs, had champagne & lobster bisque brunch on Sunday (highly, highly recommended if you're ever in Tulsa -- Bourbon Street Cafe at 81st and Lewis), and played pool volleyball with a bunch of doctors.

What was I doing with a bunch of doctors, you ask? Well, it seems that in my program, it is popular for English majors to pair off with doctors (not a bad pairing - someone has to support the English majors, I guess). Since I know the English teachers from class, I know the doctors by default, as most of the English social events involve doctors. Unfortunately, if you go to these doctor parties, an orchestra of pagers goes off pretty much non-stop throughout the evening/afternoon/morning/whatever.

These events are often a source of useful and interesting information, since I know little to nothing about medicine. In the interest of becoming better informed about pregnancy and delivery, I asked about poop, and strange pregnancy stories in general. The doctors confirmed that, yes, poop is pretty common in the delivery room, as is pee. They seemed unfazed by the whole thing, and claimed that it's a natural part of giving birth, which is generally undignified, anyway, so why does a little poop matter?

What they seemed most concerned about, actually, was water breakage. I guess sometimes you get a woman in whose water hasn't broken yet, and when she's pushing, it can explode all over the place, including in people's faces. (Side note: my English teacher friend whose husband is a doctor says that his gym sneakers were absolutely covered in blood and other fluids from the week he spent during his residency in the delivery room) Other embarassing water breaking moments: in pregnancy, since there's a lot of pressure on the lower abdomen, some women pee all over themselves and think their water has broken. :-O

One doctor also reported a woman of large size who came into the emergency room after having delivered a baby into one leg of her trousers (didn't realize she was pregnant??)

Other notes from the weekend:

I discovered that I can go back on the Lipitor, which I had previously gone off of because I had heard rumors that you weren't supposed to drink while on it.

In Tulsa, even though they outlawed gay marriage to protect us, you can buy these amazingly huge explosive fireworks that could easily blow off your arm, and the clearly unqualified are allowed to shoot them off as they choose. You don't even have to be over 18. Matt went out of his head with joy at being in a state where you're allowed to completely disregard safety, and bought a huge carload full of them (we used to have to drive all the way to Ohio (from CT) in order to buy relatively unexciting explosives for the 4th). For the first time in my life, I was obliged to run from the police like a guilty 10 year old when we set them off too close to an apartment complex and cracked someone's window with the noise and power of the explosion.

If you put an egg in the microwave, it can explode with a large amount of force. Very, very dangerous. Do not try this ever.


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