Thursday, September 29, 2005

Giant Squid, Catnip, and Orgasms

My issue of New Scientist (highly recommended for any of you who like to read about fun sci-fi-like discoveries - you can subscribe at came by electronic mail this morning, and there were two articles of particular note.

One dashed a fond, if unrealistic, dream of mine. Ever since seeing the preserved carcass of the giant squid at the Smithsonian and watching the video about scientists' unsuccessful efforts to find a live giant squid, I've often thought it would be really cool to be the one to find the first live giant squid in its natural environment (it would have been a sort of Life Aquatic moment). Unfortunately for me, two Japanese researchers have beat me to it.

The second article was both disturbing and inspiring. In the Last Word, a recurrent New Scientist column which answers a science-type question in every issue (one of those questions you've been dying to know the answer to but didn't really know where to look), this week's question was "Why do cats like catnip?" The answer? "In several carnivores, nepatalectone molecules seem to fit vomeronasal receptors for sex pheromones and induce orgasmic behavior, complete with a period of resolution," John Richfield, from South Africa, notes.

A weed that can do that? There's got to be something like that for humans. Discovering that would be even better than discovering the first live giant squid.


Blogger jessica rabbit said...

Mercutio Schwebach, I told you that weed would corrupt your soul. Stay away from E.

12:48 PM  
Blogger jim said...

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9:26 AM  
Blogger jim said...

Unfortunately I am not so puritanical as Jesse here, and in my younger days (now I sound like someone's grand father) I sought out one of the more potent drugs. MDMA was by far my favorite as it incited in me a feeling of happiness. It wasn't bliss (or any sort of sexual ecstasy), but more like the happiness when you finish a big project, or do something nice for someone you care about, or hold the girl you love close to you.

While you were rolling, the world was just a great place to be in. And to further debunk the rumors on the matter, combinations with sex will not affect later experiences.

In short, X is not catnip for people.

9:27 AM  
Blogger jim said...

Why does everyone think that's so funny?

1:19 PM  
Blogger Silver Surfer said...

The E experience that Jesse and Jim describe differs in the sense that it seems to be an Emotional experience. The cats obviously experience a physical sensation.

Merc's a puritan hehe

8:01 PM  
Blogger IntellectualPanther said...

Mercutio. Puritanical.

Not two words i expected in a sentance.

However it follows the laws of nature that there must be one for humans! Indeed if you ever found it you must immidately patent the distillation process and send samples to all of us.
I'll test it, willingly!

12:31 PM  

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